BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
The basics for optimal health and longevity are proper diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation, and hormone replacement therapy. This stops cellular degeneration and allows regeneration of tissue, healing, and a slowing down of the aging process. Hormones are not drugs. They are natural substances that have existed in our bodies since conception. The doses of hormones taken in hormone replacement therapy should never exceed what your body has already been accustomed to in its younger years. They caused no harm in the body at that time and when restored to youthful levels continue to provide the health and vigor that one loses as they age.When hormones are taken as prescribed by physicians and monitored in the correct doses, they work with each other to restore declining immunity which in turn helps protect the body against cancer. Physical deterioration is not a requirement of growing older. It is now possible to stop much of this undesirable aspect of aging as well as the symptoms and diseases associated with aging. Hormone replacement therapy is an updated science which has been shown to not only prolong life but prolong the quality of one’s life. We specialize in total hormone replacement regimens as well as exercise, diet and national supplementation to achieve maximum benefits and deter the aging process. After a complete physical examination and laboratory evaluation, a personalized hormone supplementation program will be prescribed for you and monitored until optimal hormone levels have been achieved.
Is Biodentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a safe and natural treatment that is effective in treating hormone imbalances in men and women as they age. The hormones used for treatment mirror the bio identity of hormones in the human body. When you use bioidentical hormones, the cells of your body recognize them as familiar and know how to put them to best use.
Bioidentical hormones are safe because, like your own hormones, they fit perfectly into the hormone receptor “locks” of the cells in the body where they do their work. The hormones are produced from plants (specifically a plant molecule called “diosgenin” that is found in wild yams). This specific molecule does not trigger any of the negative side effects associated with synthetic hormones.
What BHRT Can Help Treat in Women?
Throughout a woman’s life, your production of certain hormones will ebb and flow. These hormones act as a “remote control” and use chemical messengers to communicate with tissues throughout your body.
As women age and enter different stages of life, there are red flags that indicate there might be a hormone imbalance in the body. Estrogen/Progesterone deficiency is typically the kind of hormone imbalance that women experience, but it varies from person to person.
Estrogen/Progesterone Ratio
Typically beginning in your early to mid-30s, the ovaries begin to make more estrogen and less progesterone. This disruption of the ideal ratio between estrogen and progesterone triggers negative responses throughout your body and brain. The medical term for this phenomenon is “estrogen/progesterone ratio,” which means that the ratio of estrogen to progesterone in the body is disproportionately high.
To understand the estrogen/progesterone ratio, you have to understand the role of progesterone, as well. Estrogen and progesterone operate like sides of a seesaw, shifting up and down during a woman’s monthly cycle. When progesterone gets low, that “side” of the seesaw hits the ground, and this effect causes negative symptoms to arise: poor sleep, fatigue, anxiety, heavy periods, weight gain, uterine fibroids, irritability, and even rage. When the progesterone side of the seesaw gets “stuck” on the ground, the estrogen side is “elevated” relative to progesterone. It’s not (necessarily) that your estrogen is high — it’s that your progesterone level drops so low that estrogen effectively “dominates.”
A contributing factor is xenoestrogens (man-made environmental estrogens) found in hormone-injected meats and poultry, certain pesticides, petrochemicals, herbicides, plastics, fuels, car exhausts, and drugs, as well as phthalates, or plastic-softening chemicals, which enter the body and add to the estrogen load. Lifestyle choices are also at fault: the wrong foods, too little exercise, too little sleep, and too much stress can increase and accelerate estrogen load and progesterone ratio.
The estrogen/Progesterone ratio is a serious health concern. Symptoms may include:
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Low libido
- Mood swings
- Hot flashes
- Night Sweats
- Headaches/migraines
- Tender/fibrocystic
- breasts
- Weight gain
- Insomnia
- Bone loss
- Irregular bleeding
- Bloating
Disease risks from untreated estrogen dominance, as mentioned above, include:
- Breast, uterine and
- ovarian cancers
- Heart disease
- Blood clots and strokes
- Osteoporosis
- Hypothyroidism
- Alzheimer’s disease
The hormone estrogen is an important key to a woman’s physical well-being; however, an overload of estrogen is destructive, causing a cascade of unpleasant symptoms and raising the risk of life-threatening diseases. If estrogen is increased and progesterone is deficient, estrogen becomes toxic to the body. Untreated increased estrogen has been clinically linked to an increased risk of breast and uterine cancers, osteoporosis, low thyroid, and dementia.
What About for women?
Testosterone for Women
Benefits: Protects against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive impairment, fatigue, weight gain, increased cholesterol and memory loss. Thyroid regulates temperature, metabolism, cerebral function, energy, and burns fat. Increased metabolism and lipolysis which leads to weight loss and lower cholesterol levels and blood sugar. Many studies demonstrate that only high physiologic levels result in resolution of symptoms. Restores normal menstruation and fertility in PCOS.
Reduces cardiovascular risks by increasing lipolysis (decrease visceral fat). Stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat. Improves memory, increases energy and has anti-cancer properties by enhancing the immune system.
What About for men?
testosterone for men
Benefits: Protects against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive impairment, fatigue, weight gain, increased cholesterol and memory loss. Thyroid regulates temperature, metabolism, cerebral function, energy, and burns fat. Increased metabolism and lipolysis which leads to weight loss and lower cholesterol levels and blood sugar. Many studies demonstrate that only high physiologic levels result in resolution of symptoms. Restores normal menstruation and fertility in PCOS.
Reduces cardiovascular risks by increasing lipolysis (decrease visceral fat). Stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves mood, decreases cholesterol and body fat. Improves memory, increases energy and has anti-cancer properties by enhancing the immune system.
Guys, it's time to feel young and healthy again.
What are hormones, and why do I need them?
Hormones are an essential part of the metabolic process of living. Hormones are important for the cells, organs, and metabolism. Our hormones decline through aging, menopause, disease or trauma. When this happens, we begin an accelerated aging process. Loss of hormones is one of the major reasons for our deterioration as we get older, both physically and mentally. Hormones are beneficial at any age, but the best long term protective benefits are achieved if hormones are replaced when you begin to lose them, usually in our 40’s .
What are the typical hormones that are prescribed?
Synthetic estrogen (i.e.: Premarin) and progesterone (i.e.: Provera) are produced in a laboratory. They are chemically altered so that they can be patented by the pharmaceutical companies. They are not identical to human hormones. They are designed to try to elicit the same responses in your body as your natural hormones. Because synthetic hormones are not identical to human hormones, they might adversely stimulate the cells and lead to side effects or cancer. Premarin is an estrogen obtained from pregnant horses and it not human identical. Provera is a progestin. Both have been implicated in causing problems in some women, including breast cancer.
How are bio-identical estrogen and progesterone produced?
Hormones that are identical to human hormones are found in yams and soy. We call these “natural” because they are natural to the body. The hormones are extracted from these vegetables and then processed by a specialty compounding pharmacy into a prescription dose and form. The body accepts and metabolizes these hormones as if it were made for them.
What are the problems with synthetic hormones?
When first developed, synthetic hormones were well received because they provided some of the benefits of hormone replacement: controlling the symptoms of menopause and fighting osteoporosis and heart disease. However, the long-term effects results have shown that synthetic hormones sometimes elicit a negative metabolic response. Some women can’t tolerate synthetic hormones and often suffering with side effects such as bloating, bleeding or mood swings. In some patients, synthetic estrogens and progestins contributed to the development of breast and uterine cancer. Synesthetic hormones are not a perfect match in the body. Synthetic hormones produce abnormal metabolites that can cause side effects and increase the risk of cancer. A natural hormone is a perfect fit in the body, and it is biologically identical hormone replacement.
Why doesn't my gynecologist prescribe bio-identical hormones?
Natural supplements such as vitamins and hormones are protected by federal regulation and may not be patented. Major pharmaceutical manufacturers are interested only in patentable drugs that are exclusive and profitable. A lot of what physicians learn is from the drug companies who are promoting their products. Therefore, your doctors are primarily taught only about synthetic products. Bio-identical hormones do not come under specific brand names. Your physician must be self-educated and experienced in prescribing and monitoring natural hormones. They just don’t know a lot about them or must prescribe within the constraints of your health insurance.
What is the truth about the recent publicity about the risks of taking hormones?
The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) is a study that focused on synthetic estrogen (Premarin) and progestin (Provera). NOTE: Progestin is not progesterone. There were different “arms” of the study using different drug combinations. The arm of the study using Premarin, and Provera was discontinued before completion because an increased risk of breast cancer was detected in the early stages of the study. This risk is attributed to the Provera portion of the regimen. This is not the first time progestins have been implicated in increasing risk for women. The arm of the study using Premarin did not show an increased risk of breast cancer but was discontinued because of an increased incidence of strokes in older women. A recent study showed that natural estrogen did not have the same effects. Unfortunately, the media has misrepresented the facts of this study by targeting all hormone therapy.
THIS IS WRONG! Again, the culprits are synthetic progestin, Provera, and horse estrogen (equilinin) not natural estrogen or natural progesterone. There are numerous studies showing the long-term benefits of hormone therapy. You just need to make sure you are receiving the right hormones (bio-identical) in the right balance. It is also important to begin hormone replacement as soon as you begin to lose the hormones to avoid any length of time without their protective benefits.
What are the signs of low Progesterone, and what are the health benefits?
Progesterone is responsible for balancing estrogen and the female reproductive cycle. Deficiency results in symptoms of PMS, bloating, headaches, cramping, mood swings, breast tenderness, and irritability. A deficiency in progesterone can be a factor in frequent miscarriages. Research shows that natural progesterone stimulates bone building osteoblasts, thus providing protection against osteoporosis. Progesterone reduces the mitotic change in breast and uterine tissue, thereby protecting against cancer (Provera does the opposite). Progesterone protects against heart disease. Progesterone is necessary for adequate sexual response, lubrication, and vaginal vasodilation. Progesterone is responsible for the physiologic equilibrium with estrogen. At menopause, women lose both estrogen and progesterone and both should be replaced. Progesterone replacement is important, even if you have had a hysterectomy because it does much more than just protect the uterus.
What if I have been taking synthetic hormones?
You need hormones, but you need the right kind, the natural bio-identical hormones, in the right balance. Don’t tolerate the risks of the synthetic hormones when a safe alternative is available. Find a
physician who will prescribe natural hormones and then make the switch.are exclusive and profitable. A lot of what physicians learn is from the drug companies who are promoting their products. Therefore, your doctors are primarily taught only about synthetic products. Bio-identical hormones do not come under specific brand names. Your physician must be self-educated and experienced in prescribing and monitoring natural hormones. They just don’t know a lot about then or must prescribe within the constraints of your health insurance.
How does one know whether they are receiving adequate amounts of replacement hormones?
Blood tests determine deficiencies. Blood tests also determine whether adequate replacement has been prescribed. All people will absorb, assimilate, and respond to hormones differently than others. If the proper level (and therefore tissue level) is not achieved, then the full benefit of hormone replacement is not realized. We want hormone levels to be optimal and protective.