IV therapy, or intravenous therapy, delivers fluids, medications, or vitamins directly into the veins of the body. It is the fastest way to deliver blood products, vitamins, medications, or other necessary fluids directly into a person’s circulatory system.
IV Options
Basic hydration
Plain bag of IV fluids to simply get you rehydrated.No added vitamins, minerals, drugs etc.
Customize to your needs with add-ons.
Quench (signature hydration)
Rehydrate yourself with our signature IV.Designed to detox, and replenish essential vitamins and minerals.
Customize to your needs with add-ons.
Ingredients: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), B-complex vitamins, mineral blend.
Zofran $18 – Anti-nausea drug.
Zinc $8 – Boosts immunity, shortens duration of illnesses.
Magnesium Chloride $15 -Alleviates pain. Aides in recovery Promotes relaxation.
Amino acid blend $15 – Boost metabolism and energy. Enhances athletic performance. Aides in recovery time after exercise and injuries.
Glutathione $10 – Powerful antioxidant
Ingredients + benefits
- Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)- An essential vitamin that is an antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical (bad molecule) damage. It boosts immunity, helps fight infections and heal wounds. It is needed to maintain the health of skin, teeth, cartilage, bone and blood vessels.
- B-complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6)- Essential vitamins that helps body cells grow and develop. They help convert nutrients to energy. They promotes a healthy brain and mood. It helps keep a radiant complexion.
- Mineral blend (Magnesium chloride, zinc sulfate, manganese, copper gluconate)- These minerals are crucial for various bodily functions, including enzymatic processes, neurological health, and metabolic activities. It helps reverse effects of dehydration and remove toxins.
- Ondansetron (Zofran)- antiemetic medication to treat and prevent nausea and vomiting. It is helpful in events of stomach bugs or hangovers.
- Zinc- mineral that reduces the duration of illness, prevents infections and speeds up healing and recovery processes.
- Magnesium Chloride- mineral that is important in maintaining the function of our nerves, cells, bones, muscles, and heart. It can help alleviate muscle pain, menstrual pain, headaches and overall promote relaxation.
- Amino Acid Blend (Proline, Arginine, Lysine, Citrulline)- An amino acid blend offers benefits like improved blood flow due to nitric oxide production (from arginine and citrulline), enhanced skin and connective tissue health (from proline and lysine), better wound healing, potential muscle recovery support, and improved immune function, primarily attributed to the role of arginine and lysine in protein synthesis and collagen production.
- Glutathione- Glutathione collects all free radicals (bad molecules) in your body and neutralizes them. This boosts your immune system, slows aging, enhances athletic ability, controls inflammation and detoxes your body.